Groundbreaking Celebration of Saint Rita Place and the Cascia Center


On behalf of the Augustinian Friars and staff of the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia, we would like to invite you to virtually join us for the Groundbreaking Celebration of Saint Rita Place and the Cascia Center on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 10:00a.m.  This special day will mark the beginning of construction on the property adjacent to the Shrine, moving us closer to our dream of having a multi-purpose center for the work of community-building, peacemaking, and reconciliation.  The Cascia Center will draw people together in friendship, education, and professional service to welcome, heal, and build bridges toward a more just and loving world.  We are looking forward to celebrating this joyful event with you!

Please be aware that due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will have a very limited number of guests participating in-person and invite you to join us via livestream.  You can access the livestream on the Province's Facebook page (@AugustinianProvinceOfSaintThomasOfVillanova), the Shrine's Facebook page (@SaintRitaShrine) and/or on Archbishop Perez's Facebook page (@ArchbishopPerez).