Watch our most recent profession of Vows featuring Br. Nicholas Stone and listens as he share his feelings following his heart and answering God’s Call.
Click here for the schedule of events and more informations about VOA Week 2022!
These are the words of a Dutch Friar who understood well Saint Augustine’s deepest longing in wishing to live out his Christian vocation in the close company of other believers. Following his baptism at 33 years of age, Augustine realized that his desire to be faithful to Christ and to pursue the path that would help him to grow in intimacy with God and others, would not be possible for him without the support and encouragement, the example and even, at times, the correction of others. And so he established his first community at Tagaste, North Africa.
We Augustinians share Saint Augustine’s conviction about the importance of others in helping to make the journey of faith each day. For well over 750 years the Order of Saint Augustine has offered men and women the experience of a welcoming, encouraging and supportive community in which to live out discipleship to Jesus and to serve the wider Church and society.
We invite you to consider sharing this journey of faith with us …
as an Augustinian.
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*For wristbands and all other vocation-related materials, please contact Bernadette DiLucido.