Our Saints
Alonso de Orozco - September 19
All the Saints of the Order - November 13
Alypius - May 16
Anselm Polanco - February 7
Anthony Patrizi - October 9
Augustine of Hippo - August 28
Augustine of Tarano - May 19
Avelino Rodríguez - November 8
Boniface - August 26
Christine of Spoleto - February 13
Clare of the Cross of Montefalco - August 17
Clement of Osimo - May 19
Conversion of Augustine - April 24
Elías del Socorro Nieves - October 11
Ezekiel Moreno - August 19
Frederick of Regensburg - November 29
Fulgentius of Ruspe - January 3
Gonzalo of Lagos - October 14
Gratia of Kotor - November 7
Helen of Udine - April 23
James of Viterbo - June 4
John of Rieti - August 2
John of Sahagún - June 12
John the Good - October 23
John Stone - October 25
Josefa de la Purificacion Masia Farragut - September 22
Joseph, Husband of the Virgin Mary, Protector of the Order - March 19
Josephine Mary of Benigánim - January 23
Liberatus - August 26
Magdalene Albrici - July 17
Magdalene of Nagasaki - October 20
Maria of Saint Joseph Alvarado - May 7
Maria Teresa Fasce - October 12
Mariano de la Mata - November 5
Monica of Tagaste - August 27
Mother of Consolation - September 4
Mother of Good Counsel - April 26
Nicholas of Tolentine - September 10
Our Lady of Help - May 13
Our Lady of Grace - May 8
Peter Zuñiga - September 28
Possidius - May 16
Rita of Cascia - May 22
Simon of Cascia - February 16
Stephen Bellesini - February 3
Thomas of Augustine - September 28
Thomas of Villanova - October 10
Vincent Soler - May 5
William of Toulouse - May 18
William the Hermit - October 23
William Tirry - May 12