The Province of St. Thomas of Villanova is pleased to announce the re-naming of its Justice and Peace Fund to the Fr. John E. Deegan, O.S.A. Fund for Justice and Peace. We do so in recognition of Fr. Deegan’s dedication and service as the Director of the Province’s Justice and Peace Office and for all he has accomplished to further the mission of the Augustinians, particularly in the field of Justice and Peace.
During Fr. Deegan’s time as Director of the Province’s Office of Justice and Peace, he has created and offered webinars and conferences on issues such as racial inequality, immigration reform, and restorative justice. The Office focuses on designing programs for the community that promote justice for all based on a respect for the dignity and sanctity of human life. Fr. Jack comments, “The face of poverty is diverse, and it’s of the utmost importance never to stigmatize and always to recognize the dignity of everyone and the beauty of every creation of God.”
In 2003, Fr. Deegan founded the Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor (A.D.R.O.P.) where he stepped into action to develop programs that responded to the needs of a low-income, immigrant population in South Philadelphia. Today, A.D.R.O.P provides a health clinic, English as a Second Language classes, assistance to the formerly incarcerated and their families, and a partnership with St. Anthony of Padua’s Catholic School. Located in St. Edmund’s Church, A.D.R.O.P. partners with Methodist Hospital and others to provide medical services to a largely Indonesian population in South Philadelphia.
We congratulate Fr. Deegan for advancing the mission of the Augustinians through his tireless efforts to promote peace and justice for all. We recognize his continuing years of service and leadership, his never-ending response to those in need, and for keeping Justice and Peace at the forefront of our Augustinian mission.
The Fr. John E. Deegan, O.S.A. Fund for Justice and Peace, now named in his honor, is a deserving legacy to an Augustinian Friar of 62 years who never stops working on behalf of the common good.
Without justice, there can be no peace.