Father Gioele Schiavella, O.S.A., Concelebrates Mass with Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI

Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI (center, right), is pictured with Father Gioele Schiavella. O.S.A. (center, left), marking the occasion of the 70th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Father Schiavella, formerly the pastor of the Papal Parish of Saint Anne, was invited to concelebrate Mass with Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, at the chapel of Mater  Ecclesia convent, where the Pope Emeritus resides. Concelebrants also included (from left) Georg Gaswein, personal secretary to the Pope Emeritus; Jafet Ramon Ortega, O.S.A. of the parish of Saint Anne; Father Schiavella, O.S.A.; Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI;  Father Bruno Silvestrini, O.S.A., pastor of the parish of Saint Anne; and Father Filipino Stefano Canuto, O.S.A., also of the parish of Saint Anne.

 In addition to concelebrating Mass with the Pope Emeritus, Father Gioele also concelebrated a Mass at Saint Anne, with many of his Augustinian brothers, including the Prior General, Father Alejandro Moral Anton, O.S.A.; the Vicar General, Joseph L. Farrell. O.S.A.; and Cardinal Prospero Grech, O.S.A.

Congratulations, Father Gioele, on the 70th anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood!

 Click here for a link to the Zenit article.