Robert J. Newburg, O.S.A.

1903 – 1981 (July 27)

Robert Joseph Newburg, the son of Frederick Newburg and Catherine Mulherne, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on December 9, 1903. He attended Saint Aloysius Parish School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and Augustinian Academy, Staten Island, New York. Received as a novice in the Order on September 10, 1929, he spent his novitiate year at Our Mother of Good Counsel Novitiate, New Hamburg, N.Y. He professed simple vows on September 8, 1930 and solemn vows on October 12, 1934. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree at Villanova in 1935 and completed his theological studies at Augustinian College, Washington, DC, where he was ordained to the priesthood on June 7, 1938.Father Newburg's first assignment was to our parish of Saint Augustine in Troy, N.Y. on July 7, 1939. He served there as associate pastor until 1948 when he was transferred to Our Mother of Consolation Parish, Chestnut Hill, PA. From 1956 on he was plagued by ill health and eventually resided at Saint Mary's Home in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, for the remaining years of his life.

Before entering the Order, Father Newburg served in the United States Navy, which experience colored his later life. Everything had to be done in Navy fashion. He was very orderly and punctual in his life style. As dean of the house in Washington he had charge of instructing the ordinands in the rubrics of the Mass, about which he was most precise. Later, as a parish priest he was most attentive in his hospital rounds and visiting the sick. who greatly appreciated his spiritual and friendly rapport. He met people easily and was a kindly father to all.
After enduring a lengthy illness, Father Newburg died at Saint Mary's Home, Manitowoc, on July 27, 1981. Following the Funeral Mass celebrated at Saint Thomas of Villanova Church on Thursday, July 30, he was buried in the Augustinian plot at Calvary Cemetery, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.