Joseph K. Perry, O.S.A.

1909 – 1973 (March 17)

Joseph Kenneth Perry was born on August 17, 1909 in Fountain, Minnesota to John Perry and Mary Murphy Perry. He was baptized on September 19, 1909 at Saint Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church, Fountain. After receiving his elementary education in Filmore County public schools in Fountain, he studied for one year at Fountain Junior High School. He then enrolled in Saint John High School, Rochester, Minnesota, where he earned his diploma. In 1933, after working as a clerk, Joseph did post-graduate studies at Augustinian Academy, Staten Island, New York. He was then received into Our Mother of Good Counsel Novitiate, New Hamburg, N.Y. on September 10, 1934. He professed simple vows on September 11, 1935 and solemn vows three years later. Joseph earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Villanova College, Villanova, Pennsylvania, in 1939. He then pursued theological studies at Augustinian College, Washington, D.C. He was ordained to the  priesthood on May 28, 1942. He did additional studies in English Literature and Engineering at Catholic University of America, Washington.

In 1943, Father Perry was assigned to Saint Rita High School, Chicago, Illinois.  He was transferred in 1946 to Saint Monica Seminary, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, and he remained there until the time of his death in 1973. Among his positions held there over the years were Director of Monican Press, Sub-Master of Novices, and Director of Formation for Brothers.

Father Perry is remembered for his persistent yet fraternal efforts to prepare the Brothers for their life and work in a variety of community settings. He was a well-known preacher and retreat director in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. People found him to be wise and compassionate, and many visited St. Monica to seek his counsel.

Father Perry is buried in the Augustinian plot at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Alsip, Illinois.