John J. Starrs, O.S.A.

1905 – 1947 (November 28)

John Joseph Starrs was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May, 13 1905, the son of Francis Starrs and Katherine Gilooly. He was the older brother of Francis Starrs, O.S.A., also a member of our Province. John attended Villanova Prep as a postulant for four years, and was received into the novitiate at Villanova, on June 21, 1923. He made simple profession on June 22, 1924 and solemn profession on June 22, 1927. He received his A.B. degree from Villanova that same year. John was ordained to the priesthood in Washington, DC, on June 10, 1930, by Bishop John McNamara.

Father Starrs was assigned to the parish of Saint Matthew, Flint, Michigan, in 1931; Shortly after he was transferred to Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, Jamaica, New York, and, in 1936, to Saint Mary's, Lawrence, Massachusetts. The following year he was appointed to Our Mother of Good Counsel Parish, Bryn Mawr, Pa., where he remained until 1942.

Father Starrs died in Philadelphia at the age of 42 on November 28, 1947, of a heart attack. He is buried at Villanova in the Community Cemetery.