John H. McCloskey, O.S.A.

1886 – 1950 (May 19)

John Henry McCloskey was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 22, 1886 to John H. McCloskey and Margaret Hinchey. He was received into the novitiate at Villanova on June 22, 1911, professed simple vows on June 22, 1912, and that same year was sent to Rome to study at the International College of Saint Monica. He made his solemn profession on June 25, 1915. Following the outbreak of war, he returned to the United States in 1915, and two years later was ordained to the priesthood on May 6, 1917 in the Cathedral at Philadelphia by Archbishop Prendergast. 

Father McCloskey was assigned in 1917 to Saint Lawrence Parish in Lawrence, MA and in 1921 to Saint Mary's Parish in the same city. In 1922 he served at Saint Rita's in Philadelphia, and in 1925 returned to Saint Mary’s in Lawrence. For many years he was a member of the Province Mission Band, with residence at Saint Rita’s, Philadelphia and at Our Mother of Good Counsel on Staten Island, NY. From 1941 to 1944, Father McCloskey was prior of Holy Rosary Church in Lawrence. At the time of his death, he was stationed at Saint John's in Schaghticoke, NY. He died in Saint Mary's Hospital in Troy, NY as a result of a heart attack, on May 19, 1950 at the age of 64.

Father Robert Russell, O.S.A. was celebrant of a Mass offered at Saint John’s. The Funeral Mass was offered at Saint Thomas of Villanova Church, Villanova by Prior Provincial John Sheehan, O.S.A. with Father Edward Quinn, O.S.A. as homilist.

Father McCloskey is buried at Villanova in the Community Cemetery.