Edward M. Mullen, O.S.A.

1825 – 1888 (August 8)

Edward Michael Mullen, the son of Michael Mullen and Elizabeth Kain, was born in Ireland in March, 1825. When he was still an infant the Mullen family immigrated to the United States. His younger brother, Ambrose, and he studied together at Emmitsburg, Maryland, and in 1842 the pair sailed for Italy with Patrick Stanton, to make their novitiate in Tolentino. The professed vows in 1843 and went to Perugia to undertake studies in theology. Edward was ordained to the diaconate in Italy before he and his two companions were called back to the United States to continue their studies and to begin teaching classes at the college. He was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Kenrick on December 18, 1847, in the bishop’s private chapel. 

Father Mullen served chiefly in parish ministry at Villanova, Our Mother of Consolation, Chestnut Hill, and in Philadelphia at Saint Augustine's. He also served at Saint Patrick’s Parish, Cambridge, New York. In 1865 he began service in Genazzano, Italy, at the Shrine of Our Mother of Good Counsel, where he remained, except for a brief period, until his death in 1888.

Father Edward Mullen was 63 when he died on August 8, 1888 at Genazzano. He is buried there in the chapel of the monastery at San Pio in Genazzano.