Cornelius F. McGinty, O.S.A.

1894 – 1972 (August 8)

Cornelius Francis McGinty was born in Philadelphia on March 10, 1894, the son of Cornelius McGinty and Elizabeth Roberts. He entered the novitate in 1911, and made his first profession on June 22, 1912. In September, 1912 he was sent to Italy for studies and returned in June, 1915. He was ordained to the priesthood in the Philadelphia Cathedral on May 26, 1917, by Archbishop Edmond Prendergast. 

Father McGinty served as assistant pastor in the parishes of Saint Mary's, Lawrence, Massachusetts; Saint Thomas of Villanova, Rosemont, Pennsylvania; Saint Augustine's, Troy, New York; Holy Rosary, Lawrence; and Saint Augustine's in Detroit, Michigan.

After spending some years at Good Counsel Novitiate in New Hamburg, New York, he was assigned to Villanova in 1940. Here he served until his death at age 78 in 1972. Following his Funeral Mass at which Father Joseph Hyson preached, Father McGinty was buried in the community cemetery adjoining Saint Mary's Hall, Villanova, and was later removed to Calvary Cemetery, West Conshohocken, PA.