Charles A. Shine, O.S.A.

1900 – 1953 (October 27)

Charles Albert Shine was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on November 13, 1900, the son of Timothy Shine and Anna O’Connor, and was baptized in Saint Mary’s Church on November 18. He attended Saint Lawrence O’Toole and Saint Mary Parochial Schools, Lawrence, and Saint John's Preparatory School in Danvers. In June, 1918, he entered Villanova Preparatory School as a postulant, and was received into the novitiate at Villanova, on June 27, 1919. He made simple profession of vows on June 29, 1920 and solemn profession on June 29, 1923. Following studies in philosphy and theology, he was ordained to the priesthood at Villanova by Denis Cardinal Dougherty on August 29, 1926.

In 1927, Father Shine was assigned to Villanova Prep in Ojai, California. In 1932 he was transferred to Augustinian Academy, Staten Island, New York, and the following year, to Saint Rita High School, Chicago, Illinois. In 1934 he was assigned as an assistant at Saint Rita's in Philadelphia, Pa., and in 1935 at Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, the Bronx, N.Y., followed by Saint Thomas of Villanova, Rosemont, Pa., and finally from 1939 at Saint Denis, Ardmore. He was also a definitor of the Province from 1938 to 1941.

Father Shine was 53 when he died on October 27, 1953 at Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital, following an operation for acute asthma from which he had suffered at length. A Funeral Mass was offered at Saint Denis on October 29 and another at Saint Mary’s, Lawrence. At the latter, Prior Provincial Joseph Dougherty, O.S.A. was celebrant and, following the Mass, Father Thomas Delaney, O.S.A. preached. Father Shine is buried in Saint Mary's Cemetery in Lawrence.