Patrick J. Campbell, O.S.A.

1890 – 1969 (August 2)

Patrick J. Campbell, son of Patrick Campbell and Katherine Heney, was born in South Philadelphia on December 13, 1890. Among his siblings were three sisters who became members of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Patrick received his early education in South Philadelphia’s Sacred Heart Parochial School and Roman Catholic High School. After obtaining his bachelor degree at Saint Joseph's College, he was received into the Order June 22, 1911, professed simple vows on June 22, 1912, and solemn vows on June 25, 1915. In September 1912 he was sent to Rome, but because of World War I he returned to the States to finish his theological education. He was ordained on May 17, 1916, in Philadlephia’s Cathedral by Archbishop Edmond Prendergast.

Father Campbell’s first assignment was to Villanova where he taught Latin and Ethics. For the next 52 years he was engaged in parochial work. In 1932 he was elected a Definitor of the Province. From 1935 to 1965 Father Campbell was prior and pastor of the following parishes: Saint Mary's, Lawrence, Massachusetts; Saint Augustine's, Tower Hill, Massachusetts; Saint Paul's, Mechanicville, New York; Saint Augustine's, Andover, Massachusetts and Our Lady of Good Counsel, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. In 1962 he was appointed prior of the community at Saint Rita's, Philadelphia. He went into retirement in 1965 because of ill health.

Father Campbell died after a long illness on Saturday, August 2, 1969 in Saint Agnes' Hospital, Philadelphia. He is was buried in the Community Cemetery adjoining Saint Mary's Hall, Villanova. Later, his body was moved to the Augustinian Plot of Calvary Cemetery, West Conshohocken, Pa.