John T. Emmett, O.S.A.

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1854 – 1910 (December 7)

John Thomas Emmett was born in Pittstown, New York, on February 13, 1854, to Matthew Emmett and Hannah Rodgers. He entered the novitiate at Villanova, Pennsylvania, on September 26, 1878, professed simple vows on September 27, 1879, and solemn vows on the same date in 1882. He was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Jeremiah Shanahan of Harrisburg, on December 2, 1882 at Villanova.

Father Emmett served at Our Mother of Consolation Parish in Chestnut Hill, Pa., Saint Augustine's in Philadelphia, and Saint Mary's in Waterford, New York. He was appointed rector of Saint Augustine's Church in North Troy, N.Y. on July 27, 1894, and began the restoration of the church in 1896.

In July 1901, he was appointed Vicar Provincial during Father Fedigan’s absence from the Province during the General Mid-Chapter in Rome.

Father Emmett was re-appointed rector at Troy in the Chapter of 1910, and was named Definitor of the Province as well.

Father Emmett suffered from cancer of the knee, and was 56 when he died on December 7, 1910 in Troy, after a severe illness of many months. He is buried in the Augustinian Plot of Saint John's Cemetery in Troy.