Thomas J. Daley, O.S.A.

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1889 – 1960 (October 21)

Thomas J. Daley was born in Kingston, New York, on September 15, 1889. He studied for the priesthood in the Diocese of Syracuse, and was ordained in Rome at the Lateran Basilica by Archbishop Palica on June 6, 1925. After serving the Chancery Office of his diocese, he was assigned to Saint John's parish in Utica, N.Y. 

On November 19, 1932, he entered the novitiate at New Hamburg, N.Y. He made simple profession of vows on November 22, 1933 and solemn profession on November 22, 1936. That year he was assigned to Saint Rita in Chicago, lllinois, where he served until 1940 when he was assigned as an associate at Saint Augustine, Troy, N.Y. The following year he was sent to Saint Rita Parish in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From 1942 to 1956, he was an assistant in Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Parish in the Bronx, N.Y. 

In 1956, because of poor health, he retired to the Villanova Monastery. He died in Philadelphia in Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital on October 21, 1960 at the age of 71, from the effects of Parkinson Disease. Prior Provincial, Father James Donnellon, was celebrant of his Mass of Requiem. Father James Hurley was homilist. Father Daley is buried at Villanova in the Community Cemetery.