The Shrine Grateful for $50,000 Donation

From Catholic Philly News: “The National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia had reason for thanksgiving last week as the St. Alfio Society of Pennsylvania gave a $50,000 donation to the shrine to further its mission and ministry in South Philadelphia.

The Nov. 25 donation was given with a prayer that it be “used to better the lives of those (the shrine) chooses to help, both young and old, and that ultimately it helps to make the world a better, safer, and more peaceful place.”


John Powell and John Cavallaro Sr. (center) present a donation on behalf of the St. Alfio Society of Pennsylvania to Jonathan Jerome (left), the director of the National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia and Augustinian Father Bob Guessetto, the prior of…

John Powell and John Cavallaro Sr. (center) present a donation on behalf of the St. Alfio Society of Pennsylvania to Jonathan Jerome (left), the director of the National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia and Augustinian Father Bob Guessetto, the prior of the Augustinian community that ministers to the shrine in South Philadelphia. (Photo via