November 21, 2020 - Augustinian eNews

Augustinian eNews
Augustinian eNews
Father Michael's Thanksgiving Message
"extraORDINARY, The Bill Atkinson Story"
is coming to your area!

Calling our New York, Nashville and San Antonio friends! "extraORDINARY, The Bill Atkinson Story" is coming to your area!

Nov. 21st at 6 pm
PBS WNPTDT Nashville, TN
Nov. 23rd at 11:30 pm and
Nov. 28th at 12 am
PBS KLRNDT San Antonio, TX
Nov. 24th at 10 pm, Nov. 28th at 12 am and Nov. 29th at 3:30 pm

Holy Spirit Radio Interview with Fr. Joe Narog, O.S.A.
Fr. Joe Narog, O.S.A., is talking to Barbara Shinkle of Holy Spirit Radio about Augustinian Vocations and our individual vocation as to where God is calling us. Listen today at 11 a.m. and Monday at 7 a.m. 

New Profession Images!
View images from the Solemn Profession of Br. Bill Gabriel, O.S.A. and Br. Jeremy Hiers, O.S.A.

St. Augustine Prep's Spiritual Preparation
Fr. Tony Burrascano, O.S.A., Assistant to the Head of School for Mission & Ministry at St. Augustine Prep in Richland, N.J., invited members of the student body and faculty to offer their reflection on the Feast of Christ the King and the four Sundays of Advent. After contemplation of the three Readings for each Sunday, the students and staff have offered their thoughts on the meaning of the Readings for the particular Sunday. Videos were recorded each week in the school chapel for your spiritual preparation for the Advent Season. 

The Fall 2020 issue of the Peacemaker 
is now available online!
Want to know what's been happening at the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia recently? You can now check out the Fall 2020 issue of the Peacemaker online! With articles about the new Cascia Center, our ministry to the sick and dying, and personal testimonies throughout, this issue looks to tackle what it means when "Life is changed, not ended." 

Augustinian Volunteers Virtual Open House
The Augustinian Volunteers are hosting a virtual Open House from December 1st - 3rd. Whether you’re causally considering a year of service or narrowing down volunteer programs, now is a great time to connect; the AV’s are here to answer your questions! Sign up for a time slot by clicking on the link below to receive a Zoom link for a 15 minute informal chat with a member of the AV staff.

Catholic Social Teaching in the Spirit of Augustine
Part 4
Fr. Kevin DePrinzio, O.S.A. and Dr. Terry Nance gave an excellent presentation as the fourth installment of the Augustine and Catholic Social Teaching webinar series.

A.D.R.O.P.'s Unity Clinic Offers Free Flu Vaccine
Volunteer nurses Kimberly Yoon, CRNP; Jill Murray, RN; and Tina Teofilo, RN gave their time and talents to serve at A.D.R.O.P.’s first, free flu vaccine clinic this year on November 9th. Members from the community came out to safely receive their flu vaccinations. Our second clinic will take place at neighboring church, St. Thomas Aquinas on November 18th.

Support the Augustinians While
You Shop for the Holidays!
Remember the Augustinians while shopping on Amazon this holiday season! When you choose the Augustinian Fund as your charity on AmazonSmile, 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases will directly support our friars in formation, the care of our elderly and infirm friars, the Augustinian Volunteers as well as our Augustinian missions and A.D.R.O.P.


"The Word of God took up our grass in order to make us gold. The Word of God, you see, which abides forever, did not consider it beneath him to be for a time grass; not in order to change the Word itself, but to bestow on the grass a change for the better. Yes, The Word became flesh and dwelt among us; and as the Lord he suffered for us and was buried, and rose again and ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, no longer grass but now gold, undestroyed and indestructible."

-Sermon 113B, 2

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