The Augustinians

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Merrimack College Awards Prior General an Honorary Doctorate

The Rev. Alejandro Moral Antón O.S.A., Augustinian of Note, participated in a conversation with Austin Scholars at the Rogers Center for the Arts. The Augustinian of Note speaker series aims to introduce the Merrimack community to the reach of the Order of St. Augustine, while showcasing to Augustinian leaders how the order’s mission and values are being lived out by Merrimack students.

Fr. Moral has served as prior general, the head of the order, since 2013. The Prior General shared his thoughts on spirituality and his experiences as an Augustinian, during Merrimack’s Augustinian of Note lecture on March 28. He also participated in a question & answer interview in the presence of hundreds of students, faculty, and guests.

During the event, he was presented with a Doctor of Augustinian Education, honoris causa.

Read more here and view event pictures here.