The Augustinians

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Roy Edward Campbell Named a Bishop by Pope Francis

Father Roy Edward Campbell, a 1965 graduate of Archbishop Carroll High School, Washington, D.C., has been named auxiliary bishop of Washington, D.C. by Pope Francis. Father Campbell is a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington and presently pastor of Saint Joseph Parish, Largo.

Archbishop John Carroll High School was administered by the Augustinians from its founding in 1951, until 1989. St. Augustine remains the patron saint of the school. Augustine, whose talents took him from North Africa to Italy, found direction and fulfillment in the faith he embraced with baptism at the hands of Ambrose.

Named for John Carroll, the first Bishop of the United States, the motto of the school, "pro deo et patria" (For God and Country), was chosen by Cardinal O’Boyle, who oversaw the founding of the school. Cardinal O’Boyle saw the school as having a purpose beyond education of the students, “to serve as a beacon for the nation of ‘the right conception of the nature, value and dignity of the human person.’ " 

The Augustinians congratulate Bishop-elect Roy Edward Campbell!