William P. Hogan, O.S.A.
1820 – 1852 (June 14)
William P. Hogan, a nephew of Father Nicholas O’Donnell, O.S.A. studied at Emmitsburg, Maryland and was ordained to the priesthood in New York by Bishop John Hughes on January 29, 1843. He assisted his uncle at St. Paul’s Church in Brooklyn from 1845 to 1848, and then asked to enter the Order. He was sent to Italy to make his novitiate. After profession he returned to the United States and, in 1851, was assigned to Villanova, Pennsylvania.
In March, 1852, he was accepted by the Bishop of Hartford, Connecticut, to assist on the missions in his diocese. He died on June 14, 1852 in Cincinnati, Ohio, of cholera. The Catholic Directory of 1853 records that he was 32 years old at his death. The place of his burial is unknown.