Timothy A. Hayes, O.S.A.
1844 – 1869 (November 15)
Timothy Hayes, son of Andrew Hayes and Catherine Walsh, was born in County Cork, Ireland on May 29, 1844. He later lived in Lawrence, Massachusetts. In May 1864, he and four others were sent to Ghent, Belgium to enter the novitiate. Three of those accompanying him were later to become Fathers Fedigan, Gilmore, and Conway. Timothy and John Fedigan made their profession of simple vows on July 23, 1865. It was at this time that Timothy took the religious name Alphonse. He was ordained to the priesthood on May 22, 1869 in Ghent, by Bishop Henry Francis Bracq.
After ordination, Father Hayes returned to the United States in July 1869, and was stationed briefly at Saint Augustine's in Philadelphia. He was subsequently assigned to Saint Patrick's in Cambridge, New York, but shortly before his death was taken to Saint Augustine’s, Lansingburgh, New York.
He died at Saint Augustine's in Lansingburg, on Sunday, November 15, 1869 at the age of 25, six months after his ordination. He is buried at Saint Mary's in Lawrence.