The Augustinians

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Thomas A. Kiley, O.S.A.

1885 – 1954 (June 14)

Thomas Aloysius Kiley, the son of Michael Kiley and Agnes Morrissey, was born in Saint Augustine's Parish in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 26, 1885. He studied at local parochial schools and Saint Joseph's Preparatory School in Philadelphia and entered the first class of postulants at Villanova in 1902. He began his novitiate at Villanova on July 3, 1904 and made his simple profession the following year. He was awarded a B.A. degree from Villanova College in 1906, and two years later his M.A. degree. He was ordained to the priesthood at Saint Charles' Seminary in Overbrook, PA by Archbishop Prendergast on May 29, 1909.

Father Kiley taught in our schools on Staten Island, N.Y.; at Villanova; Chicago, IL; and Havana, Cuba. He also served in our parishes at Lawrence MA; Jamaica and Greenwich, N.Y.; and in Philadelphia at Saint Augustine's.

At the Chapter of 1922, he was elected a definitor - an office he held several times. Also in 1922, he was appointed rector of Malvern Preparatory School. Four years later, in 1926, he became prior and pastor of Saint Augustine's in Troy, N.Y. In 1933 he became professor of Greek and Latin at Saint Mary's Hall, Villanova, and head of the Classics Department. He returned to pastoral work in 1945 when he was appointed prior and pastor of Saint John's in Schaghticoke, N.Y. He served in the same capacity two years later at Saint James' in Carthage, N.Y.

Father Kiley died of a heart attack on June 14, 1954, at the age of 69 at the Villanova Monastery, where he had retired because of ill health. He is buried at Villanova in the Community Cemetery.