The Augustinians

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Joseph J. O'Malley, O.S.A.

1904 – 1971 (October 28)

Joseph John O'Malley was born at Hoosick Falls, New York, on May 24, 1909, to John O’Malley and Mary Curry, and was baptized there in Immaculate Conception Church on June 13. In 1928 he entered the novitiate at New Hamburg, N.Y. and made his first profession on September 10, 1929. He was solemnly professed on September 10, 1932. After completing studies at Villanova with a B.A. in Philosophy, and in Washington, D.C. at Augustinian College, he was ordained to the priesthood on June 9, 1936. He pursued additional studies at The Temple School in Washington, De Paul University, Chicago, IL., and the University of Southern California. 

From 1937 to 1941 Father was stationed at Saint Rita High School in Chicago. From 1941 to 1945 he taught at Saint Augustine High School in San Diego, CA. In 1945 he returned to Saint Rita High School he remained there until 1966 when he became prior and associate pastor of Saint Matthew parish in Flint, MI.

Father O'Malley was known for his work with athletic groups, both in Chicago and in Flint. In Chicago, he served as Athletic Director at St. Rita High School, coached baseball teams there, and also coached Pony League and Little League teams in the surrounding neighborhood. After his transfer to Flint, he coached baseball teams at St. Matthew School. In recognition of his contribution to the youth of Flint, the City Commission proclaimed May 27, 1979 as Father Joseph J. O'Malley Day. Father O'Malley died on October 28, 1971 in Flint and is buried at the Augustinian plot in Chicago.