The Augustinians

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John D. McMahon, O.S.A.

1912 – 1936 (April 16)

John Daniel McMahon, son of John McMahon and Mary Lee, was born in Harrisburg, PA on November 12, 1912. He graduated from Harrisburg Catholic High School in 1931 and in September of that year entered Mt. St. Rita on Staten Island. John began his novitiate at New Hamburg, New York, on September 9, 1932, and pronounced simple vows on September 10, 1933. 

John McMahon was a professed student at Saint Mary’s Hall, Villanova, when he died at Misericordia Hospital, on April 16, 1936 of acute rheumatic fever, shortly before his class was solemnly professed. He was 24 years old. The funeral was held on April 20th with Mass offered by Father Michael McMahon, John’s cousin. 

John is buried in the Community Cemetery at Villanova.