The Augustinians

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Edward A. Sullivan, O.S.A.

1905 – 1990 (April 13)

Edward Augustine Sullivan was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on December 1, 1905, the son of Richard Sullivan and Anna Cronin. He received his high school education at Augustinian Academy, Staten Island, NY, and was received into the Order on September 8, 1927, professing first vows on September 9, 1928 and solemn vows on September 10, 1931. He graduated from Villanova College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy in June of 1932, and also earned a Master's degree. He studied theology at Augustinian College in Washington, DC, and was ordained to the priesthood there on June 11, 1935.

After ordination, Father Sullivan was sent as an assistant to Saint Mary's parish in Rockford, IL. From 1939 to 1943 he was assistant at Saint Rita parish in Chicago. In August, 1943, he received his commission as a Navy chaplain, and was stationed with the Marine Corps until June 1946 at Tinian and Saipan.

Father Sullivan, after being discharged from the Marines, returned to Saint Rita parish in Chicago in August of 1946, where he stayed as an assistant until September of 1951. In that year he became an instructor at Saint Rita High School in Chicago, where he was also director of the Seminary Guild. In 1958 Father was transferred to Mendel High School in Chicago, where he was also director of the Seminary Guild. In 1964 he retired to Saint Rita High School, Chicago. In deference to his family, the provincial and the council allowed him to transfer to Merrimack College, MA, to be near them. He died after a long illness on Good Friday, April 13, 1990.

Father Sullivan was noted at Saint Rita High School in his final years for his humor, his willingness to be involved in the community projects, and his enthusiasm in helping as much as possible at the school. Many have fond memories of Father "Tad" Sullivan. He was waked from Merrimack College and is buried in the Augustinian plot at Saint Mary's Cemetery, Lawrence.