The Augustinians

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Anthony A. Gasparro, O.S.A.

1914 – 2002 (March 20)

Anthony Angelo Gasparro, son of Bernard and Rose Gasparro, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on January 7, 1914, and was baptized at St. Mary Magdalena de Pazzi Church, Philadelphia, the following May 28th. He received his primary education at Drexel School, Vare Jr. High School and Barrett Jr. High School before entering Augustinian Academy, on Staten Island, New York, as a sophomore postulant, in September, 1930. He began his novitiate year on September 9, 1933, made his simple profession on September 10, 1934 and was solemnly professed on September 10, 1937. He earned a BA degree from Villanova University in June, 1938, and pursued theological studies at Augustinian College, Washington, D.C. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 1941 at the Shine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.

Father Anthony exercised his priestly ministry in the Augustinian parishes of Holy Rosary, Lawrence, Massachusetts, Saint Rita, Philadelphia, Saint Mary in Vineland, New Jersey, Assumption/Saint Paul, Mechanicville, N.Y., Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, Atlantic City, N.J., and Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, Philadelphia. 

An accomplished artist in painting and porcelain, Father Gasparro was a member of the Fra Angelica Guild for Artists, an organization for Christian artists interested in portraying religious themes in their work. Throughout his ministries he was solicitous for the sick and elderly and instructed the young in the faith. 

On March 7, 2002, due to failing health, Father was transferred to the Health Care Unit of Saint Thomas Monastery, Villanova, Pa., where he died two weeks later, on March 20th. Father Gasparro is buried in the Augustinian plot at Calvary Cemetery, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.