The Augustinians

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William J. Carney, O.S.A.

1913 – 1983 (December 25)

William John Carney, the son of Angus Carney and Mary McKenna, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 4, 1913. He attended Holy Savior Parochial School in Linwood, Pennsylvania and then Malvern Preparatory School, Malvern, Pa. for one year. He transferred to LaSalle High School for his second year and then entered the Order as a postulant in September 1928.

After having completed his high school education William was received into the novitiate on September 11, 1930. He professed first vows at Good Counsel Novitiate, New Hamburg, New York, on September 12, 1931, on the same date three years later, he made his solemn profession. He attended Villanova College and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in June, 1935. Theological studies followed at Augustinian College, Washington, D.C., where he was ordained to the priesthood on June 7, 1938 at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Father Carney's first assignment, in June 1939, was to Malvern Preparatory School. Except for one year on the mission band in 1952 he remained at Malvern Prep until 1958 when he was assigned to teach at Saint Nicholas of Tolentine High School, Bronx, N.Y. In 1963 he returned to Malvern Prep until 1966 when he was appointed Dean of Men at Biscayne College, Miami, Florida. In 1969 he returned to Malvern Prep once again, and in addition to teaching, was assigned as prior of the Augustinian community. In 1975 he was assigned to Archbishop Carroll High School, where he taught and was prior and treasurer of the Augustinian community. In 1979, he was elected to the Council of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova, and took up residence at Saint Thomas Monastery, Villanova. He subsequently returned to Malvern Prep to teach and, in addition, as councilor of the Province, he established and was director of the Health Care Program for the elderly of the Province. In 1981 he resumed full-time teaching at Malvern Preparatory School.

Father Carney was a dedicated teacher. He was not only gifted in his field, but he loved to teach. He wanted people to learn, and he knew that he could be an instrument in helping them to do so. Therefore, he gave all his energy to his work and took an interest in his students, instilling in them a love for the material he taught. He was much sought after by former students for advice. Many appreciated his human qualities, especially his humor and wit, which were an overflow of his rich life in God.

 On Christmas night, December 25, 1983, after having dined with his sister and brother, Father Angus Carney, also of our Province, Father Bill Carney died suddenly at his sister’s home in Linwood, Pa. He is buried in the Augustinian plot at Calvary Cemetery, West Conshohocken, Pa.