The Augustinians

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Edward S. Griffin, O.S.A.

1907 – 1982 (January 2)

Edward Stephen Griffin was born October 24, 1907 in Holyoke, Massachusetts, to Edward Griffin and Catherine Courtney. He was baptized November 2, 1907 at Holy Rosary Church, Holyoke, and was confirmed in October, 1924, at the same church. Edward received his education at East Dwight Street School, Holyoke, and at Holy Rosary Elementary and High Schools, Holyoke. He studied for two years at St. Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire, then transferred to Niagara University, Niagara Falls, New York, where he earned a BA in 1929. After working in the offices of Stroheim and Romann, a wholesaler of interior decorating fabrics in New York City, and as the manager of an A & P Food Store in Holyoke, in 1935 he entered Augustinian Academy, Staten Island, New York as a postulant. He was received into the novitiate on September 9, 1936, professed simple vows on September 10, 1937 and solemn vows on June 1, 1940. He pursued theological studies at Augustinian College, Washington, D.C., from 1937 to 1941, and was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 1940.

When the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel was established in 1941, Father Griffin was affiliated to it. He was assigned that year to Saint Rita Parish, Chicago, Illinois, as assistant pastor. In 1959 he was transferred to Saint Augustine Church, Detroit, Michigan, as assistant. Father Griffin taught at Austin Catholic High School, Detroit, during the 1961-1962 school year, and then served as assistant pastor of Saint Clare of Montefalco Parish, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, from 1962 to 1963. He was then returned to teaching at Saint Rita High School, where he remained until 1968. He served as a teacher and procurator at Mendel Catholic High School, Chicago, from 1968 to 1972, and then  returned once again to Saint Rita High School, as part-time teacher. 

Father Griffin became ill while returning from Christmas vacation and died January 2, 1982 in Hartford, Connecticut. He was a gentle, kind, gracious and compassionate individual, with a wonderful sense of humor. He is buried in the Augustinian plot at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Alsip, Illinois.