Thomas P. Fogarty, O.S.A.
1888 – 1950 (October 4)
Thomas P. Fogarty was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, on June 29, 1888, the son of Edward Fogarty and Katherine Mackey. He entered the novitiate at Villanova, Pennsylvania in 1907 with his brother, Daniel, and together they professed simple vows on July 6, 1908. That same year, on September 30th, the two brothers went to Rome to continue studies at the International College of St. Monica, and made solemn profession there on October 18, 1911. They were ordained in Rome in the Church of Santissima Trinita by Archbishop Ceppetelli, on July 25, 1913.
The Fogarty brothers returned to the United States in 1913, and Father Thomas served as an assistant in our parish at Schaghticoke. In 1915 he was transferred to Greenwich, the following year to Cambridge and the year after to Carthage in New York. In 1918 he was appointed to Saint Augustine’s in Andover, Massachusetts, and in 1922, to Our Mother of Consolation, Chestnut Hill, Pa. During these early years, Father Fogarty suffered from ill health.
In 1931 he was named prior and pastor of St. John's in Schaghticoke. He also served as prior and pastor of St. Nicholas' in Jamaica, New York, and at Our Mother of Good Counsel, Los Angeles, California. The Provincial Chapter of 1941 appointed him Provincial Vicar for California. In 1944 he was assigned as prior and pastor at St. Augustine, Andover. While there he served as a member of the first Board of Trustees of newly founded Merrimack College. In 1950, he was named prior and pastor at St. Mary's in Waterford, New York where he died on October 4, four months after receiving this assignment. Father Fogarty was 62 when he died.
A Solemn Requiem Mass was offered at Saint Augustine Church, Andover, on Monday, October 9th by two other of the Fogarty brothers, diocesan priests, Father Jeremiah Fogarty as celebrant and Father John Fogarty as deacon. Prior Provincal Joseph Dougherty, O.S.A. preached.
Father Thomas Fogarty is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Lawrence, Massachusetts.